Mr. Rogers vs. Racism

Presbyterian minister Fred Rogers, one of the most beloved Americans of the 20th century, hosted the PBS TV series “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood” for 33 years, modeling kindness, compassion, and love for children nationwide. On May 9, 1969, during a troubling … Continue reading

Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn was the epitome of grace and charm, kindness and generosity. Audrey Hepburn’s movies today are considered among the greatest example of classic Hollywood. In their day, likewise, her movies were wildly popular with both critics and an adoring public. Audrey … Continue reading

Betty White And Arthur Duncan

When Betty White passed away on New Year’s Eve, 2021, she was one of the most universally beloved Americans. Her popularity stretched across every conceivable demographic. People of every age, every race, and every sexual identification seemed to love Betty. … Continue reading

LBJ And The Great Society (PM)

LBJ And The Great Society

After his election in 1964, Lyndon Johnson used his landslide mandate to change America fundamentally! LBJ And The Great Society declared war on poverty. Poor people, urban and rural, were inundated with programs to try and lift them out of … Continue reading