Barry Bradford Awards & Recognition
Click on the images below to get a closer view.
- Barry Bradford with Myrlie Evers
- Barry Bradford with Congressman John Lewis
- Recognition from Morris Dees and Rosa Parks
- Letter of Recognition from President Bush
- President’s Award
- Letter of Recognition from Senator Obama
- Letter of Recognition from Senator Kirk, Illinois
Congressional Award For Service To Veterans’ Justice – Selected after being nominated by the Congressional Black Caucus in honor of work done on the Clyde Kennard Case (August 29, 2018)
Justice for All National Award Winner – The Anti-Defamation League presented Barry with this prestigious award to honor his contributions in bringing change to the justice system.
U.S. Presidential Award for Public Service signed by President George W. Bush in recognition of outstanding leadership in community service. February 9, 2006.
Letter of Recognition presented by Illinois Senator Barak Obama recognizing Barry Bradford’s work in the Mississippi Burning Case. May 23, 2006.
National Teacher of the Year – Organization of American Historians, the most prestigious organization for the teaching of history in the United States, presented this award in recognition of Barry’s unprecedented work in not only teaching, but changing history. 2006.
Distinguished Lecturer from the Organization of American Historians in recognition of Barry’s advocacy work in the Mississippi Burning and Clyde Kennard cases. April, 2005.
Letter of Recognition from US Congressman Mark Kirk, of Illinois honoring work in re-opening the Mississippi Burning case. January 18, 2005.
Civil Rights Teacher of the Year – Congress of Racial Equality in recognition of Barry’s work on the Mississippi Burning Case. (CORE is the organization that originally sponsored the Freedom Summer project that the Mississippi Burning volunteers were working on when murdered.) August 29, 2004.
Congressional Leadership Award – United States Congress for Outstanding Community Service presented by US Congressman Mark Kirk, of Illinois honoring work in re-opening the Mississippi Burning case. August 2, 2004.
History Teacher of the Year – Illinois Historic Preservation Agency honored Barry with this award in recognition of years of outstanding teaching and for creating the most successful National History Day program in Illinois. June 9, 2004.
Wall of Tolerance Recognition presented by Morris Dees and Rosa Parks honoring Barry Bradford’s efforts in promoting tolerance in his work. September 8, 2003.
Golden Apple Award For Excellence In the Teaching – Presented by Golden Apple Foundation For Excellence In Teaching. This is the highest teaching award presented in the Chicago area. 1986.