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The Doolittle Raid At 80 – Flying Into Greatness (Zoom PM)

April 26, 2022 @ 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Doolittle Raid Newspaper

The Doolittle Raid: America Fights Back

Doolittle Raid

After the deadly surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, the USA wanted. Pres. Roosevelt knew that it would inevitably be a long war when we took on the Japanese Army and Navy forces. Our forces were insufficient before the devastating attack on Hawaii. Nonetheless, FDR wanted to send a strong, clear, and unmistakable message to the Japanese: the United States WOULD fight back.

 An Unexpected Plan

Col. Jimmy Doolittle volunteered to lead a group of raiders on one of the most audaciousDoolittle Raid attacks of all time. The plan was to drop bombs on Tokyo in the middle of the daytime. The Japanese people have been told that their island was invulnerable to an outside attack. If the Doolittle Raiders were successful, their attack would be a shattering blow to the Japanese psyche. The only problem was that there was no practical way for American planes to attack the Japanese mainland. But utilizing American ingenuity, the full support of Pres. Roosevelt and Gen. George C Marshall, the Doolittle Raiders flew into greatness with sheer bravado. Despite the myth that the Doolittle Raid was just a “psychological victory,” the truth is that the raid changed the direction of the war!

The heart-stopping story of the Doolittle raid offered by a master storyteller makes for an unforgettable presentation!


I ask for a voluntary donation of $5.00. If you cannot afford it or feel my programs are not worth $5.00, you are invited to come for free; I am struggling but supporting a family, so I understand with compassion living on a tight budget!

Cash/Check Payable to Barry Bradford

Barry Bradford

P.O. Box #177

Deerfield, IL 60015

Put ‘RAID PM’ On The Subject Line, Please.


PayPal (Please note, PayPal takes 10% of your donation as a fee. I receive $4.50)

[wp_paypal button=”donate” name=”Raid PM”]

√ Venmo 

(send to @B-Bradford-1) Please add a note saying ‘RAID PM.’

√  Zelle – Use the email address: Barry1776@ATT.NET

√ Don’t pay (or pay less) if you cannot afford it!


Apr 26, 2022, 6:30 PM Central Time (the US and Canada)

Zoom Sign Up:


If you do not receive a confirmation email, you did not sign up correctly. SAVE THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL! If you cannot find your confirmation email, check your spam folder. The other alternative is to go back to the website and sign up again. I cannot send you the link! They come straight from Zoom!



April 26, 2022
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
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Barry Bradford
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