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America’s Greatest First Ladies

August 30, 2022 @ 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Harriet Lane - The Greatest First Lady You Never Heard Of!


Who were America’s Greatest First Ladies?

Nobody really knows!

Eleanor Roosevelt - First Lady Of The WorldToday, the press and public pay great attention to the President’s spouse. However, the role of the First Lady was not given so much as a moment’s thought by the Founding Fathers. In fact, the title “First Lady” itself was not even widely used until the 1850s! Nonetheless, our First Ladies represent an amazing array of accomplished women, each with a unique story and a unique place in American History.

I will present a list of my top ten favorite First Ladies in this original series.  I promise that at least a couple of my choices will be women you would have never considered!

Of course, you Frances Cleveland: Our First Superstar First Ladyknow about the legacy of Eleanor Roosevelt. But did you know that the lives of children, women, and pediatricians are made better every day in real ways by the legacy of First Lady Harriet Lane? Or that almost a century before Jackie Kennedy, we had a younger First Lady who became an icon of style in the White House while raising adorable children? (Click here to read about Frances Cleveland, pictured on the magazine cover.)

Although there are so many fascinating stories in this multimedia presentation! It is not merely a collection of trivia.  Rather we will examine how the historical roles of women have changed from the days of marvelous Martha Washington, a slave owner, to modern Michelle Obama, the descendent of slaves!


I ask for a voluntary donation of $5.00. If you cannot afford it or feel my programs are not worth $5.00, you are invited to come for free; I am struggling but supporting a family, so I understand with compassion living on a tight budget!

Cash/Check Payable to Barry Bradford

Barry Bradford

P.O. Box #177

Deerfield, IL 60015

Put ‘Martha AM’ On The Subject Line, Please.


PayPal (Please note, PayPal takes 10% of your donation as a fee. I receive $4.50)

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√ Venmo 

(send to @B-Bradford-1) Please add a note saying ‘Martha AM’

√  Zelle – Use the email address: Barry1776@ATT.NET (Please add a note that it is for Martha AM)

√ Don’t pay (or pay less) if you cannot afford it!


When: Aug 30, 2022, 11:30 AM Central Time (the US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:



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