If Not Hillary, Who? The Democrats Look At 2016

As the Presidency of Barack Obama winds down we begin a two part look at the candidates who are likely to seek the nomination of their party for the Presidency.
If Not Hillary, Who? The Democrats Look At 2016 looks at the likely Democratic candidate. Conventional wisdom says that Hillary Clinton will be the nominee if she chooses to run. However, at this writing, it is still a big ‘if.’ She would be almost 70 years old at the time of the next inauguration. She will be a grandmother who can command astronomical speaking fees and book advances. It may well be that she decides not to run.
Should she decide not to run, there are a lot of Democrats who have expressed interest – but with the exception of Vice President Biden – who would be 75 at the time of the next election – none of the other names are particularly well known, We will look at the intriguing if somewhat unknown Democratic bench in this fast moving multimedia presentation