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What Just Happened – January 2024 Current Events (AM)

January 30, 2024 @ 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Current Events Discussion Presentation

What Just Happened Barry Bradford Currents And HistoryOnce a month, you can be part of a current events discussion presentation discussion with a twist. Award-winning  professional historian Barry Bradford will help us learn “What Just Happened?”

This session is so unique because we will not just talk about our opinions about the news but also learn the history behind the events and their underlying significance. We’ll go through a number of Historian Barry Bradford Explains The 2024 Election News And Current Eventsthe most exciting events of the month, and there will be plenty of time for you to ask questions and offer your thoughts.

IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL comments and questions must be respectfully asked using appropriate language. Speeches and misinformation will be terminated at the express choice of the moderator.


I ask for a voluntary donation of $5.00. If you cannot afford it or feel my programs are not worth $5.00, email me, and I will waive your fee. I am struggling to support a family, so I understand with compassion living on a tight budget!

Cash/Check Payable to Barry Bradford

Barry Bradford

P.O. Box #177

Deerfield, IL 60015

Put ‘January AM’ On The Subject Line, Please.


PayPal (Please note, PayPal takes 10% of your donation as a fee. I receive $4.50)

[wp_paypal button=”donate” name=”January AM”]

√ Venmo 

(send to @B-Bradford-1) Please add a note saying ‘January AM.’

√  Zelle – Use the email address Barry1776@ATT.NET (Please add a note that it is for January AM)

√ Don’t pay (or pay less) if you cannot afford it! Email me for a waiver if you are not able to pay.


Click Here To Register


If you do not receive a confirmation email, you did not sign up correctly. SAVE THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL! If you cannot find your confirmation email, check your spam folder. The other alternative is to go back to the website and sign up again. I cannot send you the link! They come straight from Zoom!





Barry Bradford
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