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Women Who Have Run For President

October 15, 2024 @ 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Who Will Be The First Woman President

elizabeth dole Election of 2000What do Victoria Woodhull, Gracie Allen, Margaret Chase Smith, Hillary Clinton, and Elizabeth Dole have in common?

They are among the many amazing, completely fascinating women who have run for President!  We now see that the election of a woman as President is not a matter of ‘if’—it is simply a matter of ‘when’ and who!

When an unprecedented number of serious female candidates ran for the Democratic 2008 election – Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palinnomination in 2020 and Republican Nikki Haley made a strong run for the GOP nod in 2024, this topic took on even greater urgency!

In this unique, fast-moving, and thought-provoking presentation, national award-winning public speaker and historian Barry Bradford will share the fascinating stories of the women who blazed the way for a sea change in the political process.  It won’t be Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, or Sarah Palin, but included in the presentation will be a prediction of who will be the first woman to be elected President!  It may happen as soon as the Election of 2028!


I ask for a voluntary donation of $5.00.  If you cannot afford it or feel my programs are not worth $5.00, email me, and I will waive your fee.  You only have to request the waiver once; it will automatically cover you for all future programs.  I am struggling but supporting a family, so I understand with compassion living on a tight budget!

Cash/Check Payable to Barry Bradford

Barry Bradford

P.O. Box #177

Deerfield, IL 60015

Please put WOMEN in the subject line.


PayPal (Please note, PayPal takes 10% of your donation as a fee.  I receive $4.50)

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√ Venmo 

(send to @B-Bradford-1) Please add a note saying ‘WOMEN.’

√  Zelle – Use the email address Barry1776@ATT.NET (Please add a note that it is for WOMEN)

√ Don’t pay (or pay less) if you cannot afford it!  Email me for a waiver if you are not able to pay.


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