The fabulous Betty White has been called an American national treasure – and rightly so! Up until her death at 99, Betty White was a beacon of positivity even in the most difficult years! Witty, working, and happy, Betty White … Continue reading →

The fabulous Betty White has been called an American national treasure – and rightly so! Up until her death at 99, Betty White was a beacon of positivity even in difficult years! Witty, working, and happy, Betty white it’s a … Continue reading →

Betty White has been called a national treasure – and rightly so! Year in and year out, she has been voted one of America’s most beloved entertainers. you know her as the seeming police we but secretly scheming Sue Anne … Continue reading →

Betty White has been called a national treasure – and rightly so! Year in and year out, she has been voted one of America’s most beloved entertainers. you know her as the seeming police we but secretly scheming Sue Anne … Continue reading →

Betty White has been called a national treasure – and rightly so! Year in and year out, she has been voted one of America’s most beloved entertainers. you know her as the seeming police we but secretly scheming Sue Anne … Continue reading →