Welcome to a unique and wonderful new series on four of the greatest and most influential American inventors of all time! Each week we will take an in-depth look at the life and influence of a man whose inventions changed … Continue reading →

Welcome to a unique and wonderful new series on four of the greatest and most influential American inventors of all time! Each week we will take an in-depth look at the life and influence of a man whose inventions changed … Continue reading →

Thomas Edison Bright Ideas Thomas Edison was a genius! He is best remembered as one of the greatest inventors of all time. Edison was certainly that! He concentrated on practical discoveries such as the light bulb, motion picture cameras, sound … Continue reading →

Thomas Edison Bright Ideas Thomas Edison (1847 – 1931) was a genius! He is best remembered as one of the greatest inventors of all time. Edison was certainly that! Edison was not terribly interested in theoretical science. Instead, he concentrated … Continue reading →

Thomas Edison Bright Ideas Thomas Edison (1847 – 1931) was a genius! He is best remembered as one of the greatest inventors of all time. Edison was certainly that! But the great Edison was not terribly interested in theoretical science. … Continue reading →