Clarence Darrow – Lawyer For The Ages

For almost a century the very name “Clarence Darrow” has been used as synonymous for a brave, intrepid lawyer fighting for the rights of the disadvantage and wrongfully accused.  The real Darrow was such a man. He took on unpopular cases, defended clients … Continue reading

Clarence Darrow – Lawyer For The Ages

For almost a century the very name “Clarence Darrow” has been used as synonymous for a brave, intrepid lawyer fighting for the rights of the disadvantage and wrongfully accused.  The real Darrow was such a man. He took on unpopular cases, defended clients … Continue reading

Clarence Darrow – Lawyer For The Ages

For almost a century, the name “Clarence Darrow” has been synonymous with a brave, courageous lawyer fighting for the rights of the disadvantaged and wrongfully accused.  The real Blair and Darrow was such a man. He took on unpopular causes and defended … Continue reading

Overlapping History

Overlapping History - Anne Frank and Martin Luther King

Did you know that Marilyn Monroe and Queen Elizabeth II were born within two months of each other? Or that Albert Einstein was still alive when Steve Jobs was born? Sitting Bull, Van Gogh and Charlie Chaplin were briefly  all … Continue reading