Some people incorrectly think of the civil rights movement as African-American people versus white people. The truth is that many white people, including many Jewish Americans, provided physical, emotional, and monetary support to the movement. It would be more accurate … Continue reading →

Louis Armstrong, one of history’s most beloved and influential jazz musicians, was rarely seen without his Star of David necklace. While many assumed it was simply a fashion statement, Armstrong wore it as a deeply personal tribute to the Jewish family … Continue reading →

Some people incorrectly think of the civil rights movement as African-American people versus white people. The truth is that many white people, including many Jewish Americans, provided physical, emotional, and monetary support to the movement. It would be more accurate … Continue reading →

Some people incorrectly think of the civil rights movement as African-American people versus white people. The truth is that many white people, including many Jewish Americans, provided physical, emotional, and monetary support to the movement. It would be more accurate … Continue reading →

Some people incorrectly think of the civil rights movement as African-American people versus white people. The truth is that many white people, including many Jewish Americans, provided physical, emotional, and monetary support to the movement. It would be more accurate … Continue reading →