Phil Spector And The Murder Of Lana Clarkson It sounds like an Agatha Christie story – a brilliant but troubled music producer takes a very beautiful actress who is down on her luck back to his Tyrolian mansion for a drink. Two … Continue reading →

Phil Spector And The Murder Of Lana Clarkson CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT IF PHIL SPECTOR WAS GUILTY It sounds like an Agatha Christie story – a brilliant but troubled music producer takes a very beautiful actress who is down on her … Continue reading →

Phil Spector And The Murder Of Lana Clarkson It sounds like an Agatha Christie story – a brilliant but troubled music producer takes a very beautiful actress who is down on her luck back to his Tyrolian mansion for a drink. Two … Continue reading →

Phil Spector And The Murder Of Lana Clarkson It sounds like an Agatha Christie story – a brilliant but troubled music producer takes a stunning actress who was down on her luck back to his Tyrolian mansion for a drink. Two people … Continue reading →

Phil Spector, innocent? NO! David Mamet’s “Phil Spector” HBO film is an embarrassment to all Mamet fans and a total disgrace to history. I am a historian. I analyze films. Rarely, if ever, has a historical movie been … Continue reading →