What do “the classic films “The Shawshank Redemption,” “It’s A Wonderful Life,” “Vertigo,” “The Maltese Falcon,” “Dr. Strangelove,” & “Double Indemnity” have in common? Two things. First, each is considered one of the greatest movies ever made. Second, neither received … Continue reading →
America has been in love with the movies for over 100 years. And every year the race for the Oscar is closely watched by movie fans around the world. Winning the Academy award connotes something special in the history of … Continue reading →
The Academy Awards are designed to recognize the greatest achievements in movies. Each year, huge audiences watch the Oscars, and the results can make or break a film’s chances at success. They also have a huge impact on the careers … Continue reading →
Carl Reiner was one of the funniest men ever to appear, write for, or direct a TV episode! At 97, he was the oldest celebrity active on Twitter – and never contemplating retiring from show business! Join me for a … Continue reading →
Carl Reiner was one of the funniest men ever to appear, write for, or direct a TV episode! At 97, he was the oldest celebrity active on Twitter – and never contemplating retiring from show business! Join me for a … Continue reading →