Most Americans simply do not know very much about the Revolutionary War. Although certain images from the Revolutionary War are seared into our memory – Washington Crossing the Delaware and the signing of the Declaration of Independence – many … Continue reading →
Most Americans simply do not know very much about the Revolutionary War. Although certain images from the Revolutionary War are seared into our memory – Washington Crossing the Delaware and the signing of the Declaration of Independence – many … Continue reading →
Most Americans simply do not know very much about the Revolutionary War. Although certain images from the Revolutionary War are seared into our memory – Washington Crossing the Delaware and the signing of the Declaration of Independence – many people … Continue reading →

John Adams was smart, brave, dedicated brilliant – and an egotistical, vain and easily offended man who loved his wife and his country. What a fascinating story! Adams’ name is synonymous with the greatest glories of the American Revolution.No American … Continue reading →

Rosa Parks: Real Story Of A Real Hero December 1, 1955. One brave and determined woman made a fateful decision that changed the course of human history. Rosa Parks’ decision to challenge the segregation of busses in Alabama sparked not … Continue reading →