The Founding Father never gave a moment’s thought to the role of the President wife. In fact, the term “First Lay” itself would be unknown for fifty years! Nonetheless, the first women to hold the title of “First Lady” were … Continue reading →
John Adams was smart, brave, dedicated brilliant – and an egotistical, vain and easily offended man who loved his wife and his country. What a fascinating story! Adams’ name is synonymous with the greatest glories of the American Revolution.No American … Continue reading →
Their names are similar; their life spans are almost identical and each was considered one of the most influential of the founding fathers. Yet despite their very different personalities, philosophies, and achievements, most Americans today would have a hard time … Continue reading →
Their names are similar; their life spans are almost identical and each was considered one of the most influential of the founding fathers. Yet despite their very different personalities, philosophies, and achievements, most Americans today would have a hard time … Continue reading →
Their names are similar; their life spans are almost identical and each was considered one of the most influential of the founding fathers. Yet despite their very different personalities, philosophies, and achievements, most Americans today would have a hard time … Continue reading →