“Best Movies Shot In Chicago” Chicago and its suburbs have been the setting for some great movies over the years. In this fascinating multimedia presentation, we will look at film clips and hear the stories about some of the best … Continue reading →
Carl Reiner was one of the funniest men ever to appear, write for, or direct a TV episode! At 97, he was the oldest celebrity active on Twitter – and never contemplating retiring from show business! Join me for a … Continue reading →

A common cliché in show business is to refer to someone as “one of a kind.” Often that is hyperbole. But in the case of Steve Martin, it is literally true! There is no one who has a skill set … Continue reading →

A common cliché in show business is to refer to someone as “one of a kind.” Often that is hyperbole. But in the case of Steve Martin, it is literally true! There is no one who has a skill set … Continue reading →

A common cliché in show business is to refer to someone as “one of a kind.” Often that is hyperbole. But in the case of Steve Martin, it is literally true! No one has a skill set that matches that … Continue reading →