The upcoming Presidential election of 2024 promises to be one of the most unusual and consequential in American history. With a biracial woman, Vice-President Kamala Harris, running against elderly former President Trump, who faces trial in numerous jurisdictions and serious … Continue reading →

The Presidential election of 2024 promises to be one of American history’s most unusual and consequential elections. With former President Trump on trial in numerous jurisdictions, facing serious accusations of undermining our democracy and If the Republicans win the Presidency, … Continue reading →

The 2024 Presidential election is shaping up to be one of the most unusual and consequential in American history. With Vice President Kamala Harris aiming to become the first woman ever elected to the presidency and former President Donald Trump … Continue reading →

Some people incorrectly think of the civil rights movement as African-American people versus white people. The truth is that many white people, including many Jewish Americans, provided physical, emotional, and monetary support to the movement. It would be more accurate … Continue reading →

America is the most technologically advanced country in the world. We are the only nation to have landed a man on the moon, and our research universities are the envy of the world. But in the year 2000, we were … Continue reading →