Miranda rights have become so familiar that most of us can recite them from memory – even though we have never been accused of a crime! The “Warren Court” of the 1960s was tasked with interpreting the Bill Of … Continue reading →

In 1896, The United States Supreme Court ruled 7 -1 that segregation was legal in the country that was begun with a document that said “…all men are created equal…” In 1954, The Supreme Court of The United States declared … Continue reading →

America is the most technologically advanced country in the world. We are the only nation to land a man on the moon. Our research universities are the envy of the world. And in the year 2000, we were confronted by … Continue reading →

Some people incorrectly think of the civil rights movement as African-American people versus white people. The truth is that many white people, including many Jewish Americans, provided physical, emotional, and monetary support to the movement. It would be more accurate … Continue reading →

On June 8, 2023, it was announced former President Donald Trump became the first president in American history indicted for a felony after leaving office. Every media story used the word “unprecedented.” Although the indictment of former President Trump was, … Continue reading →