Carol Burnett is one of the funniest women ever to star on television. And on Broadway. And in films. She is also, by reputation, one of the nicest, most thoughtful, and highly respected women in the entire history of … Continue reading →

Carol Burnett is one of the funniest women ever to star on television. And on Broadway. And in films. She is also, by reputation, one of the nicest, most thoughtful, and highly respected women in the entire history of … Continue reading →

America is the most technologically advanced country in the world. We are the only nation to have landed a man on the moon, and our research universities are the envy of the world. But in the year 2000, we were … Continue reading →

America is the most technologically advanced country in the world. We are the only nation to have landed a man on the moon, and our research universities are the envy of the world. But in the year 2000, we were … Continue reading →

America is the most technologically advanced country in the world. We are the only nation to land a man on the moon. Our research universities are the envy of the world. And in the year 2000, we were confronted by … Continue reading →