I just finished reading Infinite Tuesday, Michael Nesmith’s autobiography. For no particular reason, a song he wrote, “Some of Shelley’s Blues,” was stuck in my head. This led me to read his autobiography—I’m so glad I did. Although he’s best … Continue reading →

Jack Benny holds two unique and quite wonderful distinctions. First, Jack Benny is almost universally regarded by critics, contemporaries and historians as having the best comic timing of any performer in show business. Jack Benny’s ability to take a pause, … Continue reading →

The youngest of the three broadcasting networks, the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), began as an offshoot of NBC and was mired in third place in the ratings for decades. That began to change when Walt Disney stepped in. Disney helped … Continue reading →

FREE LIVE EVENT: Bob Newhart was a comic legend and widely regarded as one of the nicest men in Hollywood history. Two of his sitcoms became iconic, and his appearances on the Tonight Show were legendary. His standup routine influenced … Continue reading →

Julia Child: Spy And Chef In 1963, Julia Child became the first national superstar chef on TV! Her program “The French Chef” was so influential that the Smithsonian Institute features her kitchen, intact, as a permanent exhibit! Julia Child changed … Continue reading →