Choosing to be Happy – The Example of Gigi

Gigi smiling
The winter of 20013/2014 was brutal in Chicago. We suffered several enormous blizzards and two blasts from the bone-chilling polar vortex. We were blessed to have a warm home, plenty of food and some sturdy shovels. But at the same time, a little dog named Gigi was on the streets of Aurora, IL, fighting for her life.

Gigi as she looked when rescued
Gigi would eventually teach us an important lesson about choosing to be happy.
It was 20° below zero on February 3, 2014 when animal control was alerted to a stray dog in distress. They saved her and turned her over to The First Step Rescue. The kind, loving people at the rescue service quickly realized that the little dog was pregnant, in labor, and in terrible pain. They rushed her to a skilled and compassionate veterinarian who had to perform a complicated, dangerous C-section. The doctor realized that the puppies were too large for her to birth naturally. At the moment she was turned over to The First Step Rescue, the little dog was 12 hours from death. She would never have survived labor on her own, let alone in 20° below zero weather on the streets.
When she was released from the hospital, one of her puppies had survived. She was too weak to eat, but had to nurse her baby. Her foster-mother fed her by the spoonful. It was then that she noticed that the little dog always wagged her tail and appeared happy and grateful, despite being in terrible pain. They gave her the name “Gigi.” It was a sort of acronym – GG standing for “Good Girl.”
Gigi Gaining Strength and Choosing to be Happy
As Gigi slowly gained strength, everyone came to recognize that she was choosing to be happy. Her tail was in constant motion. Anyone who came close to her face was likely to get quite a licking! Barely able to stand, she cared with great gentleness for her puppy

Gigi could barely eat or walk but cared for her puppy
and constantly exuded joy as she worked through the pain. She might have chosen to be fearful. She might have chosen to complain about her pain and disorientation. Instead, Gigi was choosing to be happy. She let her foster family know that she was not only willing to accept their love, but to return it in spades.
Eventually her puppy grew and was happily adopted. He is now twice her size and has her personality. Shortly after he was adopted, we began the process of adopting little Gigi. We already had one rescued Bichon but the time was right for us to bring a new dog into our lives. All of us have been transformed by the incredibly positive personality of the dog who had been 12 hours away from death only a few months earlier. Gigi offers love unconditionally to everyone. To see her today, you would never believe that she had been an abandoned stray trying to survive the harshest winter in many decades alone, pregnant, and on the streets.
Choosing to be Happy in Hard Times
All of us have to overcome difficulties in our lives. Some people are given an enormous a burden to carry. My friend, Marge, grew up in a dangerous, violent home. She has endured more pain than almost anyone I know. She has watched family members suffer terribly and has ended up raising her granddaughter. She and her granddaughter are choosing to be happy. They don’t complain about their difficult circumstances. They don’t complain about money, family members, or hardships. Instead, they offer kindness to all. They are choosing to be happy. Like Gigi.
Happiness is a choice. Our former first lady, Barbara Bush, watched her little daughter Robin die of leukemia. When asked by a friend how she managed to maintain such an upbeat personality, Mrs. Bush said, “You are going to live your life and be miserable. Or, you are going to live your life and be happy. But either way, you are still going to live your life.”
One important part of happiness is gratitude. When we appreciate what we have, it can help past hurts fade away the next time there was a blizzard, Gigi watched out the window as her brother and sister dug a trench for her to us to “answer the call of nature.” The kids watched as Gigi happily enjoyed the trench and then reported she would not stop kissing them when she came in!
And in January, 2019. when another polar vortex sent the wind chill to -50, Gigi happily wore a sweater, curled up under the covers with Bullwinkle, and kissed everyone who came near,
The other night we noticed that Gigi was limping. Somehow she had hurt her paw. We rushed her to an emergency clinic. After treating her with great tenderness and skill, the doctor said to me, “This is one of the sweetest dogs I have ever met. Even in pain, she is just filled with love.” Fortunately, the injury turned out not to be terribly serious. Gigi didn’t like the cone she had to wear and she definitely missed going for her long walks every day. But she never missed the chance to give anybody a kiss and a wag of her tail. She couldn’t control the pain on her own. But she could control her attitude. She was choosing to be happy.
Gigi, like my friend Marge

Marge and Gigi – Kindred spirits choosing to be happy!
and her granddaughter, recognize that life is often unfair, painful, and difficult. But by choosing to be happy, they use their optimism to find the good in every situation, express gratitude, and celebrate every good thing that happens, no matter how small. It’s a lesson we all need to learn and relearn. We can’t control circumstances. But we can control our attitude and reactions. Choosing to be happy will make even the most difficult circumstance easier to endure.
It has been said that laughter is nothing more than emotional chaos remembered in tranquility. No matter what your circumstances are today, follow the example of Gigi by choosing to be happy. It will never make anything worse and it very well might make things better.
Gigi lived with us five years. We never knew hold she was. The matted, dirty, almost dead dog had blossomed into the the sweetest family dog ever.
In December, 2019, Gigi’s health declined. She lost much of her hearing and half of her sight, but stayed happy. She loved being the Princess of the house, enjoyed her walks, greeted everyone with licks and kisses. We were amazed that her spirit never flagged. Each day, ten minutes before my son would come home from school, she would instinctively go to the front window, so she could be the first to greet him. They’d sit on the couch and snuggle, before he would go to do his homework. She’d climb the stairs and lay on his bed to keep him company. She was hurting, but she chose to be happy.
Just before Christmas, Gigii had a serious health crisis. It did not look like she would survive, We did not want her to suffer, but on the worst day, I prayed to God that Gigi could have one more day. The next day was to be our annual family Christmas pictures and she was set to be groomed. As she slept on my son’s bed that night, we did not know if it was our last night with her. Nothing her doctor had done seemed to be helping.
The next day she woke up and was her usual happy self – and noticeably healthier. She enjoyed the attention and the pictures. A few days later her her health had declined again. Gigi left us on Jan. 19, 2020. She was calm at the end and gave each member of the family a kiss. Gigi was laying in my lap when the doctor helped her transition. The last words she heard were “love” and the last thing she felt was a kiss. Her last look told me she was happy.
Please forward or post this article to someone who needs it. Remind them that being happy is choice. And, in Gigi’s name, do one extra thing today to make someone smile.
Mr. Bradford,
A wonderful, wonderful piece. People who abuse dogs are a disgrace. Was Gigi abandoned by a family? How old is she?
Thank you for reminding us that happiness is a choice. I completely agree!
Thank you for reading my blog! We do not know anything about Gigi’s background before she was saved. Doctors have estimated her age at anywhere between 4 and 7! We guess she was a family dog at some point, because she just loves people so much. Gigi is one of those dogs who is warm and happy with everyone she meets, even for the first time.
“There is something truer and more real, than what we can see with the eyes, and touch with the finger.”-
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Jill, I asked Gigi about your lovely quote from one of my favorite authors. She responded:
“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.”
Scott Adams
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Wonderful story that shows the difference a positive attitude can make when one is faced with adversity! Thank you for sharing this with me Barry
What a beautiful story! Thank you for rescuing this sweet girl who was left out on the street to die in the cold! :( I’m sure she brings so much joy to your life… and you to hers. I wish everyone could be as kind to animals as you were to GiGi! The world would be a much better place!
What a sweet dog! Animals are so amazing and can teach us so much! Unconditional love and hope. I’ll be praying for this sweet girl.
Thank you for the history of Lincoln and Thanksgiving. Totally agree that Thanksgiving is being passed over by retail greed. It becomes each of our mission to remind ourselves (and others when we can) to be grateful for the most basic things in life, ie, just waking up in the morning…under a roof, dry and warm. Thank you;, Lord, for so many things!
Love your story about GiGi…dogs are furry angels.
Thank you for sharing.
This is such a wonderful and heartwarming story. We can all learn a lot from Gigii
Arjun, my friend,
Please forward the article to at least one person or post in our your social media. Let’s make the world a happier place!
Dear Barry,
You are such an inspiration! I read this previously and enjoyed it tearfully!
See you tomorrow at DH.
Thank you dear Barry, a great tribute to Gigi and a gift to us all. Of course the story brought tears and sadness at the parting, but we must think she is now at a place where she continues to be happy and no more pain.
Barry, so sorry that you lost such a wonderful member of your family. Thank God that you were able to take care of her for as long as you did. It sounds like she was the perfect addition to your family.
My sympathies to your and your family
I’m sorry GiGi was originally neglected. What a blessing you came in her life. In turn she became a blessing to you. Funny how that happens. Story brought tears to my eyes, I’m sorry you must miss her. Continued blessings.
Thank you so much! Her early life, before she was rescued by some wonderful people, was horrible. Everyone would say that we were a blessing in her life. But as Ginger Rogers said, “I don’t think blessings are ever one sided.” It was a joy to have Gigi in our lives and while we do miss her dearly, we would not trade those happy memories for the world!
Barry, Isn’t it amazing that such a little ball of fluff can render so much love and happiness to others? I know that Gigii is in heaven now sharing her love with all the other kitties and dogs and people that are there. I look forward to meeting her and all the others when it is my time.
Thanks for your kind words! She was a very small dog, but she had a large presence. She was always happy and wanted to be wherever the people were! As to being in heaven, Will Rodgers said, “If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” I’m with him!
Thank you for sharing GiGi’s story and reminding us of the Quote from Barbara Bush. It helped me read the blog today, because it was a down day for me, because I have been having some knee pains lately. The perspective on choosing to be happy and having gratitude for every gift in my life, put me back on track.
Hope to be in one of your classes soon.
My friend,
I am glad the story of Gigi lifted your spirits! Her early life was so horrible that we shuddered to think about it. But she found a way to raise above the pain and live in the happy moment. I need to do that better!
Hope you are on the mend!
Thank you for sharing. We also had a bichon. They are so oooooo sweet and loving. Enjoy the Oscars !!!
Cindy Hand (Grand Dominion)
Thanks for your lovely note! Aren’t bichons just wonderful?
Cindy, I could not agree more!
A beautiful true story. I am thankful for many blessings one of which is knowing you.
You are a remarkable human being. Not only are your classes my favorites,, but your Thanksgiving message about the importance of making the world a better place is one I wholeheartedly support. And I chose to read your article about the dog Gigi because I am most passionate about domestic and wild animals, I believe the way a person treats animals is very revealing. What a poignant story that was, Barry! It is said that a person who saves one life saves mankind. Gigi was such an inspiration. And so are you. My condolences for losses experienced during this challenging year.