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Jane Addams

September 16, 2020 @ 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Registration required; contact the organizer.

Jane AddamsJane Addams is widely recognized as one of the most influential and admired women in both Chicago and American history. Her name is synonymous with “Hull House” – one of the groundbreaking and greatest examples of settlement house social work and community organizing in the USA.  Along with her  amazing colleague, Ellen Starr, Jane Addams changed the way Chicagoans and Americans thought about providing social service Jane Addams Hull Housefor immigrants and the poor.

The unique effectiveness of Hull House  has been demonstrated many times over in its impact on Chicago and the numerous institutions that sprung up around the country in an attempt to duplicate its model.

If Hull House had been her only accomplishment, Jane Addams would be absolutely deserving of the respect of every succeeding generation of Americans.

However, as you will learn in this unique and fascinating multimedia presentation, the life of Jane Addams was complex, her accomplishments great, and her influence very profound on many aspects of American life.Jane Addams_1940_Issue-10c She was a political activist, educational  reformer, a champion of women’s rights and the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Your admiration and respect for Jane Addams will only grow as you witness her long and effective life.


I ask for a voluntary donation of just  $5.00. If you cannot afford it or if you feel my programs are not worth $5.00, you are invited to come for free, I am unemployed but supporting a family, so I understand with compassion living on a tight budget!


Cash/Check Payable to Barry Bradford

Barry Bradford

P.O. Box #177

Deerfield, IL 60015


PayPal (Please note, PayPal takesß 10% of your donation as fee. I receive $4.50)

[wp_paypal button=”donate” name=”Jane”]

√ Venmo 

(send to @B-Bradford-1)

V PopMoney 

(send to 347-921-1776)

√ Don’t pay if you cannot afford it!



You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Sep 16, 2020 11:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. If you do not receive a confirmation email, you did not sign up properly. SAVE THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL! If you cannot find your confirmation email, check your spam folder. The other alternative is to go back to the website and sign up again. I cannot send you the link! They come straight from Zoom!



September 16, 2020
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Registration required; contact the organizer.
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Barry Bradford
View Organizer Website

