What do “the classic films “The Shawshank Redemption,” “It’s A Wonderful Life,” “Vertigo,” “The Maltese Falcon,” “Dr. Strangelove,” & “Double Indemnity” have in common? Two things. First, each is considered one of the greatest movies ever made. Second, neither received … Continue reading →
Cary Grant was one of the most iconic stars in the entire history of classic Hollywood cinema. The man who was born Archibald Leach, made more than 50 films as a leading man and yet never won a competitive Academy … Continue reading →
SOLD OUT! What is your favorite movie? I asked some of America’s top film bloggers for their recommendations – and they came up with some doozies! As a fun bonus, some of them will be joining us to introduce their … Continue reading →
Grace Kelly American Royalty Grace Kelly had a short, luminous and wonderful career as a movie star. She starred alngside some of the most famous leading men of her time, including Gary Cooper, (High Noon) WIlliam Holden, (The Country Girl, … Continue reading →
Grace Kelly American Royalty Grace Kelly had a short, luminous, and wonderful career as a movie star. She starred alongside some of the most famous leading men of her time, including Gary Cooper (High Noon) William Holden, (The Country Girl, … Continue reading →