Most Americans simply do not know very much about the Revolutionary War. Although certain images from the Revolutionary War are seared into our memory – Washington Crossing the Delaware and the signing of the Declaration of Independence – many … Continue reading →

John Adams was smart, brave, dedicated brilliant – and an egotistical, vain and easily offended man who loved his wife and his country. What a fascinating story! Adams’ name is synonymous with the greatest glories of the American Revolution.No American … Continue reading →

Their names are similar; their life spans are almost identical and each was considered one of the most influential of the founding fathers. Yet despite their very different personalities, philosophies, and achievements, most Americans today would have a hard time … Continue reading →

Their names are similar; their life spans are almost identical and each was considered one of the most influential of the founding fathers. Yet despite their very different personalities, philosophies, and achievements, most Americans today would have a hard time … Continue reading →

Their names are similar; their life spans are almost identical and each was considered one of the most influential of the founding fathers. Yet despite their very different personalities, philosophies, and achievements, most Americans today would have a hard time … Continue reading →