The King of England abdicated his throne in order to be with “the woman I love.” Some people see it as the most romantic gestures in history. Others see his marriage to a twice divorceed, promiscuous woman from Baltimore as … Continue reading →

The King of England abdicated his throne in order to be with “the woman I love.” Some people see it as the most romantic gestures in history. Others see his marriage to a twice divorceed, promiscuous woman from Baltimore as … Continue reading →

The King of England abdicated his throne in order to be with “the woman I love.” Some people see it as the most romantic gestures in history. Others see his marriage to a twice divorceed, promiscuous woman from Baltimore as … Continue reading →

Diana: Glamorous And Tragic Life And Death Of a Princess She was the “People’s Princess” beloved for her compassion as much as for her glamour. Sweet, pretty Lady Diana Spencer was a shy and charming kindergarten teacher when she caught the eye … Continue reading →

Diana: Glamorous And Tragic Life And Death Of a Princess Diana was the “People’s Princess” beloved for her compassion as much as for her glamour. She was a shy and charming kindergarten teacher when she caught the eye of Prince Charles, heir to … Continue reading →