Some people incorrectly think of the civil rights movement as African-American people versus white people. The truth is that many white people, including many Jewish Americans, provided physical, emotional, and monetary support to the movement. It would be more accurate … Continue reading →

Some people incorrectly think of the civil rights movement as African-American people versus white people. The truth is that many white people, including many Jewish Americans, provided physical, emotional, and monetary support to the movement. It would be more accurate … Continue reading →

THIS PROGRAM IS FREE, LIVE, AND IN-PERSON! In the first half of the 20th century, the Cubs were one of the mightiest teams in baseball—a perennial pennant contender despite not winning the World Series since 1908. The second half of … Continue reading →

Miranda rights have become so familiar that most of us can recite them from memory – even though we have never been accused of a crime! The “Warren Court” of the 1960s was tasked with interpreting the Bill Of … Continue reading →

Some people incorrectly think of the civil rights movement as African-American people versus white people. The truth is that many white people, including many Jewish Americans, provided physical, emotional, and monetary support to the movement. It would be more accurate … Continue reading →