After his election in 1964, Lyndon Johnson used his landslide mandate to change America fundamentally! LBJ And The Great Society declared war on poverty. Poor people, urban and rural, were inundated with programs to try and lift them out of … Continue reading →

After his election in 1964, Lyndon Johnson used his landslide mandate to change America fundamentally! LBJ And The Great Society declared war on poverty. Poor people, urban and rural, were inundated with programs to try and lift them out of … Continue reading →
In 1961, children across the United States were terrified of the prospect of nuclear war with the Russians. They were the generation taught to “duck and cover” under their classroom desks to protect themselves from nuclear fallout. Many schools have … Continue reading →

“Saving Private Ryan” is one of my favorite films. The film takes its viewers on an incredible mission as a brave army captain, and his skeptical troops go deep into occupied territory to try and save find Private James Ryan, … Continue reading →

“South Pacific” is one of the greatest Broadway musicals ever written. It is also one of American theater’s most important and influential works. In its brilliant artistry, the masterpiece of Rodgers and Hammerstein turned a spotlight on the hypocritical, hateful … Continue reading →