WATERGATE AT 50 Two-Part Presentation – Second Part Next Week! Watergate was the largest and most frightening presidential scandal. In this two-part multimedia presentation, we will look at the roots of the crime and the desperate attempts of the … Continue reading →

History Vs. The Movies: Watergate Watergate Part Two Watergate was the largest and most frightening presidential scandal. In this two-part multimedia presentation, we will look at the roots of the crime and Richard Nixon’s Administration’s desperate attempts to cover it … Continue reading →

History Vs. The Movies: Watergate Watergate Watergate was the largest and most frightening presidential scandal. In this two-part multimedia presentation, we will look at the roots of the crime and the desperate attempts of the Nixon Administration to cover … Continue reading →

History Vs. The Movies: Watergate Watergate Part Two Watergate was the largest and most frightening presidential scandal. In the second part of this two-part multimedia presentation, we will look at the roots of the crime and Richard Nixon’s Administration’s desperate … Continue reading →

History Vs. The Movies: Watergate Two Part Prentation (films: All The President’s Men, The Final Days, Nixon, Dick) Watergate Watergate was the largest and most frightening presidential scandal. In this two part multimedia presentation, we will look at the roots … Continue reading →