Cole Porter is one of the greatest songwriters in American history. His melodies were sublime. His lyrics were creative, witty, sophisticated, original, and naughty. Cole Porter was the ultimate European-oriented sophisticate – yet he was born in tiny Peru, Indiana! … Continue reading →

Cole Porter is one of the greatest songwriters in American history. His melodies were sublime. His lyrics were creative, witty, sophisticated, original, and naughty. Cole Porter was the ultimate European-oriented sophisticate – yet he was born in tiny Peru, Indiana! … Continue reading →

In a very short career, George Gershwin changed American music forever. He was one of the most beloved composers of music for Broadway. his songs and shows continue to be revived on the New York stage and in theaters worldwide. … Continue reading →

SOLD OUT! What is your favorite movie? I asked some of America’s top film bloggers for their recommendations – and they came up with some doozies! As a fun bonus, some of them will be joining us to introduce their … Continue reading →

Fred Astaire is rightfully considered to be the greatest dancer in the history of movies. Although best remembered for his amazing series of films with Ginger Rogers, his career was actually much longer and involved many other partners. What Fred … Continue reading →