1947 Time Capsule

My always-popular “Time Capsule” series turns its lens on America 75 years ago. 1947 was a turbulent year in the world. Israel and India became independent, the cold war began, the sound barrier was broken and the great Jackie Robinson … Continue reading

Jackie Robinson

 Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball. The dramatic story of how Branch Rickey  defied the baseball establishment by promoting to the major leagues the first African American players ever to walk on the field is a fascinating story. However, … Continue reading

Jackie Robinson

 Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball. The dramatic story of how Branch Rickey defied the baseball establishment by promoting to the major leagues the first African American players ever to walk on the field is a fascinating story. However, … Continue reading

Jackie Robinson

 Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball. The dramatic story of how Branch Rickey defied the baseball establishment by promoting to the major leagues the first African American players ever to walk on the field is a fascinating story. However, … Continue reading