The Presidential election of 2024 promises to be one of American history’s most unusual and consequential elections. With former President Trump on trial in numerous jurisdictions, facing serious accusations of undermining our democracy and If the Republicans win the Presidency, … Continue reading →

Understanding the Election of 2020 The election of 2020 was unlike any presidential election in our history! Historians have had almost three yeasr now to analyze the statistics. As a result, we can accurately break down which groups of voters … Continue reading →

Understanding The Election Of 2008 If the election of 2008 had been written as a movie script, it could not have been more exciting. We faced the possibility that we would elect the first woman to the presidency, the first … Continue reading →

“Looking Back/Looking Ahead” is, without question, my most eagerly awaited program of the year returns! Last year, this program sold out at every venue – so reserve your seats early! Perhaps it’s just our era, but this year seemed … Continue reading →

Once a month, you can be part of a current events discussion presentation discussion with a twist. Award-winning professional historian Barry Bradford will help us learn “What Just Happened?” This session is so unique because we will not just talk … Continue reading →