Some people incorrectly think of the civil rights movement as African-American people versus white people. The truth is that many white people, including many Jewish Americans, provided physical, emotional, and monetary support to the movement. It would be more accurate … Continue reading →

Some people incorrectly think of the civil rights movement as African-American people versus white people. The truth is that many white people, including many Jewish Americans, provided physical, emotional, and monetary support to the movement. It would be more accurate … Continue reading →

History Vs. the Movies: Mississippi Burning Mississippi Burning: The Civil Rights Era is one of the most exciting, important, and electrifying eras in American history. It had everything from a cinematic standpoint: dynamic lead characters, powerful and determined villains, mystery, mood, … Continue reading →
Lyndon Johnson is one of the most complex men I’ve had to be president. He was capable of great cruelty and insensitivity. However, as President LBJ became a tireless champion of the poor, the marginalized, and the oppressed within the … Continue reading →
Lyndon Johnson is one of the most complex men I’ve had to be president. He was capable of great cruelty and insensitivity. However, as President LBJ became a tireless champion of the poor, the marginalized, and the oppressed within the … Continue reading →