LBJ and Civil Rights (PM)

LBJ And The Great Society

Lyndon Johnson is one of the most complex men I’ve had to be president. He was capable of great cruelty and insensitivity. However, as President  LBJ became a tireless champion of the poor, the marginalized, and the oppressed within the … Continue reading

LBJ and Civil Rights (PM)

Lyndon Johnson is one of the most complex men I’ve had to be president. He was capable of great cruelty and insensitivity. However, as President  LBJ became a tireless champion of the poor, the marginalized, and the oppressed within the … Continue reading

LBJ and Civil Rights (AM)

Lyndon Johnson is one of the most complex men I’ve had to be president. He was capable of great cruelty and insensitivity. However, as President  LBJ became a tireless champion of the poor, the marginalized, and the oppressed within the … Continue reading

LBJ – A Biography

One of my favorite programs! A one-man show – the life of LBJ! No multimedia for this one – just a master storyteller bringing to life one of the most controversial, complex, contradictory, colorful, and charismatic men ever to serve … Continue reading

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan has become a near mythic figure among Republicans today. Seemingly every Republican presidential hopeful invokes his name, his spirit, and his ideals. Ronald Reagan embodied optimism, Americanism, patriotism and a deep belief in the basic goodness of the … Continue reading