Betty White has been called an American national treasure – and rightly so! Year in and year out, Betty White has been voted one of America’s most beloved entertainers. You know her as the seemingly sweet we but secretly scheming … Continue reading →

The fabulous Betty White has been called an American national treasure – and rightly so! Up until her death at 99, Betty White was a beacon of positivity even in difficult years! Witty, working, and happy, Betty white it’s a … Continue reading →
Quantum Leap The Leap Home “Quantum Leap” (1989-1993) was one of my favorite TV shows. It is remarkable because its central premise was to make viewers consider how other people thought, felt, and reacted. I will tell you about a specific … Continue reading →

Kristin Chenoweth is one of the most talented performers in America. She is also one of the nicest people ever to become a major star in show business. Her life story is as unexpected as her talent is overwhelming. Leo Durocher famously … Continue reading →

Kristin Chenoweth is one of the most talented performers in America. She is also one of the nicest people ever to become a major star in show business. Her life story is as unexpected as her talent is overwhelming. Leo Durocher famously … Continue reading →