1860 & 1861 The Civil War At 150 The Declaration Of Independence boldly stated “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal…” The Civil War tested whether or not we really meant it. In 1860, … Continue reading →

This brand new presentation will introduce you to the greatest speeches given by our greatest president. Abraham Lincoln was a master of communication. Like FDR during World War II, Lincoln constantly explained to Americans why we were fighting the Civil … Continue reading →

The assassination of John F. Kennedy shocked the nation. As the mortally wounded President was rushed to Parkland Hospital, surgeons scrambled to try and save him. When the patient is the President, the whole nation is watching the every move … Continue reading →

The Best Losing Presidential Candidates What do Adlai Stevenson, George McGovern, Daniel Webster, and Wendell Willkie have in common? Each ran for President and lost. In some cases, more than once! And each was an outstanding man who might well … Continue reading →

No President of the United States has been portrayed in the movies more often than Abraham Lincoln! Lincoln has been featured in more movies since the earliest days of silent movies than all other Presidents combined. The most brilliant of … Continue reading →