WATERGATE AT 50 Two-Part Presentation – Second Part Next Week! Watergate was the largest and most frightening presidential scandal. In this two-part multimedia presentation, we will look at the roots of the crime and the desperate attempts of the … Continue reading →

History Vs. The Movies: Watergate Watergate Part Two Watergate was the largest and most frightening presidential scandal. In this two-part multimedia presentation, we will look at the roots of the crime and Richard Nixon’s Administration’s desperate attempts to cover it … Continue reading →

History Vs. The Movies: Watergate Watergate Watergate was the largest and most frightening presidential scandal. In this two-part multimedia presentation, we will look at the roots of the crime and the desperate attempts of the Nixon Administration to cover … Continue reading →

History Vs. The Movies: Watergate Watergate Part Two Watergate was the largest and most frightening presidential scandal. In the second part of this two-part multimedia presentation, we will look at the roots of the crime and Richard Nixon’s Administration’s desperate … Continue reading →

Robert Redford is one of the most popular American movie actors of all time. Although he was initially thought of as just a “pretty boy” presence, like Tyrone Power and Paul Newman before him, Robert Redford proved to be a … Continue reading →