Amidst the countless acts of courage that defined D-Day, Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt Jr., the son of the late President, emerged as a symbol of courage and leadership. His actions on Utah Beach, fueled by both resolve and a concealed … Continue reading →

Live, In Person, And Open To The Public! Politics and the movies are a match made in heaven! Movies need compelling characters, suspenseful plots, unexpected twists, and a great conclusion. Politics provides all the above and then some! In this … Continue reading →

NOTE: THE START TIME FOR THIS PRESE NTATION IS 6:00 PM TO ACCOMMODATE THOSE OF US WHO WILL BE WATCHING THE VICE-PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE AT 8:00 I am presenting a shortened version of this at several locations. This one is different … Continue reading →

Free Program – Live, In Person, And Open To The Public! Politics and the movies are a match made in heaven! Movies need compelling characters, suspenseful plots, unexpected twists, and a great conclusion. Politics provides all the above and then … Continue reading →

The Election of 1932 ended with the victory of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Democrats in the middle of one of the greatest electoral landslides in American History. The results of the 1932 presidential election led to a fundamental realignment … Continue reading →