The Election of 1932 ended with the victory of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Democrats in the middle of one of the greatest electoral landslides in American History. The results of the 1932 presidential election led to a fundamental realignment … Continue reading →

After his election in 1964, Lyndon Johnson used his landslide mandate to change America fundamentally! LBJ And The Great Society declared war on poverty. Poor people, urban and rural, were inundated with programs to try and lift them out of … Continue reading →

After his election in 1964, Lyndon Johnson used his landslide mandate to change America fundamentally! LBJ And The Great Society declared war on poverty. Poor people, urban and rural, were inundated with programs to try and lift them out of … Continue reading →

Many Americans are concerned about threats to our democracy. From a plot to kill George Washington to the January 6 Insurrection, America has come under attack from within before. It’s possible that in the early 1930s, a plot was hatched by millionaires … Continue reading →

Politics and the movies are a match made in heaven! Movies need compelling characters, suspenseful plots, unexpected twists, and a great conclusion. Politics provides all the above and then some! In this great new presentation, Best Movies About Politics, I’ll … Continue reading →