Wallis Simpson and Prince Edward’s scandalous relationship led to a Royal abdication and quite nearly brought down the British Monarchy. The engagement of American actress, model, and philanthropist Meghan Markle to Prince Harry of Great Britain caused many people in … Continue reading →

The engagement of American actress, model and philanthrpist Meghan Markle to Prince Harry of Great Britain caused many people in America and in England to ask the same question: “Who is Meghan Markle?” The interest was so intense that in … Continue reading →

The scandalous relationship between Wallis SImpson and Prince Edward led to a Royal abdication and quite nearly brought down the British Monarchy. The engagement of American actress, model and philanthropist Meghan Markle to Prince Harry of Great Britain caused many … Continue reading →

The King of England abdicated his throne in order to be with “the woman I love.” Some people see it as the most romantic gestures in history. Others see his marriage to a twice divorceed, promiscuous woman from Baltimore as … Continue reading →

The King of England abdicated his throne in order to be with “the woman I love.” Some people see it as the most romantic gestures in history. Others see his marriage to a twice divorceed, promiscuous woman from Baltimore as … Continue reading →