1860 & 1861 The Civil War At 150 The Declaration Of Independence boldly stated “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal…” The Civil War tested whether or not we really meant it. In 1860, … Continue reading →

America is the most technologically advanced country in the world. We are the only nation to have landed a man on the moon, and our research universities are the envy of the world. But in the year 2000, we were … Continue reading →

America is the most technologically advanced country in the world. We are the only nation to have landed a man on the moon, and our research universities are the envy of the world. But in the year 2000, we were … Continue reading →

George Washington is America’s greatest hero. He was our greatest soldier. He was also our greatest President. His contemporaries already knew that he was a man whose importance to the nation could never be questioned. One of the most honored … Continue reading →

America is the most technologically advanced country in the world. We are the only nation to land a man on the moon. Our research universities are the envy of the world. And in the year 2000, we were confronted by … Continue reading →