MOTIVATIONAL MOVIE QUOTES After a lifetime spent in love with the movies, it occurred to me how often a great line of dialogue from a film stayed with me. I’m not just talking about memorable quotes like, “Play it, Sam!” … Continue reading →
WHY CAN’T THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT LAST THE WHOLE YEAR LONG? For many people, taking down the holiday decorations is a bit of a bittersweet reminder of the end of beautiful season and the passing of another year. I’d like to … Continue reading →
What was Benjamin Franklin’s Greatest Invention? Benjamin Franklin was one of the most important inventors in American History. When a student recently asked me: “What was Franklin’s greatest invention, the obvious answer might be the lightning rod, which has saved countless … Continue reading →
One of my favorite quotes is this: “If we magnified blessings as much as we magnify disappointments, we would all be much happier.” John Wooden Isn’t that so true? Do you find that you often tend to replay your … Continue reading →