Our popular “Time Capsule.” programs return with this brand new entry:1949 – America 75 Years Ago. Each program will take you deep into American life during the year in question. We will look at the famous people who were born … Continue reading →

Our popular “Time Capsule.” programs return with this brand new entry:1949 – America 75 Years Ago. Each program will take you deep into American life during the year in question. We will look at the famous people who were born … Continue reading →

Amidst the countless acts of courage that defined D-Day, Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt Jr., the son of the late President, emerged as a symbol of courage and leadership. His actions on Utah Beach, fueled by both resolve and a concealed … Continue reading →
This is a session of a three-part series in which I will share the stories of every presidential child from Washington to Obama. There are great stories, unique individuals, and many surprises. A few of the names, including Madison Hemmings, … Continue reading →

George S. Patton – The Man The Germans Feared This Program Is FREE, Live, and Open To The Public! George S. Patton was a man of contradictions – charismatic, cunning, courageous, self-confident and superstitious, egotistical and emotional. And he was … Continue reading →