The Life Of FDR Understanding the life of FDR is like taking a sonogram of the USA. Franklin Roosevelt transformed the United States with optimism, vigor, vision, and skill. The effects are still being felt and still being debated today. … Continue reading →

The assassination of John F. Kennedy shocked the nation. As the mortally wounded President was rushed to Parkland Hospital, surgeons scrambled to try and save him. When the patient is the President, the whole nation is watching the every move … Continue reading →

The Best Losing Presidential Candidates What do Adlai Stevenson, George McGovern, Daniel Webster, and Wendell Willkie have in common? Each ran for President and lost. In some cases, more than once! And each was an outstanding man who might well … Continue reading →

After World War I ended, America turned away from the liberal progressive era of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson and made a sharp turn toward conservatism. In 1920, the Republicans nominated for president Warren G Harding, an amiable Sen. from … Continue reading →

Woodrow Wilson is one of the most complex, contradictory, charismatic, and confounding men ever to be President of the United States! Born in the South but educated in the North, Woodrow Wilson was a conservative who advanced progressive causes, a … Continue reading →