America’s Greatest First Ladies

Harriet Lane - The Greatest First Lady You Never Heard Of!

Who were America’s Greatest First Ladies? Nobody really knows! Today, the press and public pay great attention to the President’s spouse.  However, the role of the First Lady was not given so much as a moment’s thought by the Founding … Continue reading

Overlapping History

Overlapping History - Anne Frank and Martin Luther King

Did you know that Marilyn Monroe and Queen Elizabeth II were born within two months of each other? Or that Albert Einstein was still alive when Steve Jobs was born? Sitting Bull, Van Gogh and Charlie Chaplin were briefly  all … Continue reading

The Election Of 1960

The election of 1960 was one of the most dramatic elections in American history. Until the halted recount in the election of 2000, it was the closest  Presidential election in our lifetimes.  This riveting multimedia presentation features amazing anecdotes, entry … Continue reading

The Election Of 1960

The election of 1960 was one of the most dramatic elections in American history. until the halted recount in the election of 2000, it was the closest  Presidential election in our lifetimes.  This riveting  multimedia presentation features amazing anecdotes, entry … Continue reading