LBJ and Civil Rights (PM)

LBJ And The Great Society

Lyndon Johnson is one of the most complex men I’ve had to be president. He was capable of great cruelty and insensitivity. However, as President  LBJ became a tireless champion of the poor, the marginalized, and the oppressed within the … Continue reading

1973 Time Capsule

TV Television History All In The Family

Barry Woodstock PosterMy popular ‘Time Capsule’ series lands in the fascinating year of 1973! We will look at the people, events, music, movies, and inventions that dominated the news 50 years ago. We will look at the stories of some … Continue reading

The Election Of 1960

The election of 1960 was one of the most dramatic elections in American history. Until the halted recount in the election of 2000, it was the closest  Presidential election in our lifetimes.  This riveting multimedia presentation features amazing anecdotes, entry … Continue reading

The Ten Greatest American Presidents

The Ten Best American Presidents

The Ten Best American Presidents How do we determine who the greatest Presidents were? One recent poll of the American public disclosed that they believed Bill Clinton is the greatest President of all time! Another recent poll, this one only … Continue reading