Woodrow Wilson is one of the most complex, contradictory, charismatic, and confounding men ever to be President of the United States! Born in the South but educated in the North, a conservative who advanced progressive causes, a racist who advocated … Continue reading →

The Many Faces of Danny Kaye He was a brilliant comic. He sang well enough to do duets with Bing Crosby, Louis Armstrong, and Beverly Sills. Danny Kaye danced beautifully with Vera-Ellen, often considered the best technical dancer in the … Continue reading →

Our time machine lands in 1946 – a fascinating year of transition in America! The beginning of the “baby boomer” era saw a miracle starting to realize the “new normal” of the postwar era. The first bikinis were sold in … Continue reading →

Adlai Stevenson is one of the most remarkable political figures of the second half of the 20th century. His entire career as an elected public official consisted of one term as the governor of Illinois. He twice ran unsuccessfully for president, … Continue reading →

Adlai Stevenson is one of the most remarkable political figures of the second half of the 20th century. His entire career as an elected public official consisted of one term as the governor of Illinois. He twice ran unsuccessfully for president, … Continue reading →