1949 – America 75 Years Ago

Milton Berle 1949

Our popular “Time Capsule.” programs return with this brand new entry:1949 – America 75 Years Ago. Each program will take you deep into American life during the year in question.  We will look at the famous people who were born … Continue reading

Richard Nixon (Part Two – PM)

Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon is one of the most fascinating, contradictory, and enigmatic men ever to be president. Parts of the Richard Nixon story are admirable and exciting. An aspect of Nixon’s background that should not be overlooked is his lifting himself … Continue reading

Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon is one of the most fascinating, contradictory, and enigmatic men ever to be president. Parts of his story are admirable and exciting. An aspect of Nixon’s background that should not be overlooked is his lifting himself up from … Continue reading