The Life Of FDR Understanding the life of FDR is like taking a sonogram of the USA. Franklin Roosevelt transformed the United States with optimism, vigor, vision, and skill. The effects are still being felt and still being debated today. … Continue reading →

Who were America’s Greatest First Ladies? Nobody really knows! Today, the press and public pay great attention to the President’s spouse. However, the role of the First Lady was not given so much as a moment’s thought by the Founding … Continue reading →

Very few people have entered the presidency with more experience, greater intelligence, a higher level of business success, or deeper personal integrity than Herbert Hoover. His complete failure as a president he’s clearly his indication of being the right person … Continue reading →

The Election of 1932 ended with the victory of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Democrats in the middle of one of the greatest electoral landslides in American History. The results of the 1932 presidential election led to a fundamental realignment … Continue reading →

First Ladies of the 20th and 21st Centuries When Martha Washington became our first First Lady, she stepped into a roll with no job description and no precedent. She handled the position with grace and polish. however, each of the … Continue reading →