The worst Presidential scandal of all time is a tale of vanity and venality, hubris and pettiness. The discovery of the so-called “third rate burglary” unraveled a conspiracy of immense proportions to subvert the American Constitution. In this fascinating … Continue reading →
History Vs. The Movies: Watergate Watergate Part Two Watergate was the largest and most frightening presidential scandal. In this two-part multimedia presentation, we will look at the roots of the crime and Richard Nixon’s Administration’s desperate attempts to cover it … Continue reading →
History Vs. The Movies: Watergate Two-Part Presentation (films: All The President’s Men, The Final Days, Nixon, Dick) Watergate Watergate was the largest and most frightening presidential scandal. In this two-part multimedia presentation, we will look at the roots of the … Continue reading →
First Ladies of the 20th and 21st Centuries When Martha Washington became our first First Lady, she stepped into a roll with no job description and no precedent. She handled the position with grace and polish. however, each of the … Continue reading →
First Ladies of the 20th and 21st Centuries When Martha Washington became our first First Lady, she stepped into a roll with no job description and no precedent. She handled the position with grace and polish. however, each of the … Continue reading →