The Ten Best American Presidents How do we determine who the greatest Presidents were? One recent poll of the American public disclosed that they believed Bill Clinton is the greatest President of all time! Another recent poll, this one only … Continue reading →
First Ladies of the 20th and 21st Centuries When Martha Washington became our first First Lady, she stepped into a roll with no job description and no precedent. She handled the position with grace and polish. however, each of the … Continue reading →
James Madison and the Founding Fathers were deeply concerned about what would happen if a president lost his moral bearing and committed crimes while serving as chief executive of the land. Their concern led them to include impeachment in the … Continue reading →
Who were America’s Greatest First Ladies? Nobody really knows! Today, the press and public pay great attention to the President’s spouse. However, the role of the First Lady was not given so much as a moment’s thought by the Founding … Continue reading →
Barbara Walters: First Superstar Women TV Reporter The late Barbara Walters was the first superstar woman television news reporter. Fighting against many barriers, she opened the door for women to be taken seriously as news anchors and news reporters on … Continue reading →